Monday, January 5, 2009

My Christmas Vacation

Christmas and New Years has come and gone. I've been so busy with things, that I haven't been able to catch everybody up on my life. Aside from the engagement that is. Kevin came home with me for Christmas this year, and we had a lot of fun. We spent three days with my mom, and three days with my dad. It was short, but sweet. Here are a few pictures of that trip.

Here is what Kevin did almost the entire 4 hour flight to Denver. He was awake for about the first and last 1/2 hour. I was bored.

Here is Kevin with two of my nephews, Tanner and Brayden.

My family decided to have a Sudoku tournament. It was with my dad, two of my brothers-Mo and Chris, and also me and Kevin. My dad kicked everybody's butts.

New Years Day I went to the temple in DC and low and behold, my best friend from college who is currently serving her mission in the Baltimore, Maryland mission was at the visitor's center!

Corinna, Celeste and Kathryn at the temple to see the beautiful lights.

Kevin and me in front of the temple


abby said...

Why does this not surprise me that Kevin sleeps through his first long plane ride on since the mission? He even had beautiful entertainment sitting next to him. Your dad's soduko tournament sounds like fun. I ran into a friend on her mission to Temple Square. I ran into her later at a party in McLean. It's so random when that happens.

tammy 2-2 said...

your dad is such a nerd! A Suduko tournament? And it was sure nice of you guys to go along with it!

Anonymous said...

Bored on the plane? Do you knit? I could teach you, if you don't.

Em loves Sudoku as well. She would have had a blast.

celeste'sblog said...

I use to crochet a lot. I once taught myself how to knit from a book, but I think I could benefit greatly from being taught by a person. It's been so long, I don't think I even know how to do it anymore.

Pancake said...

Suduko.... well thats using your brain! At least you got to eat some of Kays good cooking! And Kathys.

Did your brother ever get a car, after they wrecked theirs?

celeste'sblog said...

Wow word travels! Chris and Alison got a car about two weeks after their accident. Chris was out of town one of those weeks, so poor Alison. They're doing great though. And yes, the cooking was amazing! I love going home.

Anonymous said...

I think there is a glitch in that Sudoku picture - it looks like hy hair is thinning, which is of course ridiculous. You should get your camera fixed.

celeste'sblog said...

I'm sorry my dear friend. What you see is what you have. Remember the picture Em took while you were at her house? Yeah. That's what I thought. Plus-remember the picture Justin took of Mo's head? Just be happy you have as much as you do.

Joni said...

Wow, that's amazing! Your camera can see two years into the future!

(Either that, or there's a tiny glitch with the date setting.)

The first time I visited Temple Square, I totally ran into a girl from my home ward who was serving her mission there. Small world!