Monday, November 24, 2008

Why oh why?

So...I'm wondering why my blog doesn't just update itself? That would make my life a whole lot simpler. But unfortunately, my life is not all that stressful to begin with, so I guess it just comes down to me being a lazy bum. I only work. I come home, eat dinner, and basically sit on the couch for the rest of the night watching TV. You'd think that at some point during all that TV watching, I could update the people in my life about what's happening. But again, unfortunately, I don't do anything, so there's really nothing to blog about. 

Happy day!!! I almost have my grad school application done. I stayed in my pajamas all day saturday to do it. I sent out the forms for former professors and employers to fill out and to write a letter of recommendation for me, and I even got an email from one of my former professors saying he remembered me, and would love to write me a letter. Yeah for having such a charming and quite unforgettable personality. 

Other than that, life is pretty much same old, same old. It's getting cold here, which means I start to complain a lot. More. I mean a lot more than I usually do. Oh well.

And on one last, very important note, Kevin wants to know why people always say "bless you" after somebody sneezes. He thinks it's weird, so I don't get blessed when I sneeze around him. What's that about?


Anonymous said...

Well. Bless you. Save that for the next time you sneeze around Kevin.

And yes, you should blog more. Glad to hear about your grad school stuff almost being done.

tammy 2-2 said...

You know that I'll know the reason why we say bless you after you sneeze! So here goes: It was believed that the devil could enter your body when your mouth was open, especially during a sneeze. So if someone said "God Bless You" (the proper phrase), it would protect you from becoming possessed. Glad to see you blogging again. I'll try someday too. By the way, what schools are you applying to and in what area do you think you'll do your grad work? Love you cute girl! We professors love to write letters for our wonderful students!

Walser Family said...

Hey its Mandy! I just wanted to say hi!its been so long. I found you on Christina's page, but I just wanted to say hi!

email for fun...

see ya,