Sunday, November 2, 2008

New York was a blast!!!

Our driving adventure, me being annoyed by Kevin's allergies, and Kevin being an old man? about to sneeze? bored out of his mind?

Wedding dancing!!!

At the wedding. Heather was beautiful and Alec looked handsome. As did Kevin. He looked so good in his suit, and he knew it!

Our Halloween costume. We were Cleopatra and Caesar.

The beautiful scenery.

So Kevin and I drove up Friday afternoon to New York, more specifically, the Catskills for his best friend's wedding. We had so much fun. I cannot actually believe how much free liquor was flowing around that place. We had an itinerary for the entire weekend, and after most of the activities, it said there would be an open bar. I commented to Kevin once that we may have been the only people over the age of 21 not drinking. But the wedding was beautiful. Kevin looked good in his brand new suit and he even behaved himself while standing for the wedding. He looked good! We boogied out on the dance floor for quite some time until his being allergic to New York state took over. He always thought it was just Rochester he was allergic to, but it turns out-it's the entire state. By the time we got back to Virginia-he was basically back to normal. Who'd ever think someone would be allergic to their home state. A little depressing if you ask me. Anyway...the drive up was fantastic-all the fall colors changing. I took pictures, but since I'm really not a photographer, they don't really do the beauty justice. The wedding and the whole resort was gorgeous. I tried to get pictures of every state sign that we passed on the way up, and then again on the way down because I missed some on the way up, and the only one I got both times was Delaware. And that was the only state we were in for less than 1/2 an hour. The rest of the pictures I got were either blurry trees, and cars because either I was too slow, or Kevin was driving too fast. I hope you all enjoy them though. I had so much fun!!!!


Anonymous said...

YAY! Looks like lots of fun was had by all, and I will probably swipe the picture of Kevin from the wedding, that is a VERY nice pic you took.

I'm so bummed he is allergic to the whole state.

abby said...

Yep Kevin is a hottie in his new suit. I noticed the same thing when I went home a few weeks ago. I started sneezing like crazy. It must be the type of trees up there and the fact I'm now a Virginian.

Anonymous said...

Looks like you had fun. I hope that all is well and that all the wedding receptions you have had to endure lately have been fun not torture as it seems in the last few blogs it has become the thing to do, LOL. Make sure I make it to yours eh? LOVE YOU BUNCHES OF OATS! I miss you like crazy Hemminga and I wish we were closer. Ok the tears have started gtg...