Wednesday, September 3, 2008

My Crazy Life on a Daily Basis

So as many of you know, I'm a nanny. Ever since I started, people have been bugging me to take pictures of the kiddos so they can see what they look like. Now I have. I just took these today while the kids were jumping on me, and it got kinda wild. Enjoy! They're cuties.

Just after getting pushed down by her big brother. You'd think she'd be used to it by now.

I finally got a good picture of him so people can actually see what he looks like. A very, very smart 4 year old.

This is what Quentin typically looks like. With his mouth open either talking, singing, or yelling. After he realized I was taking pictures of him, he tried to be funny.

I was laying on the floor, and Georgie crawled on top of me. She's cute. She turns 14 months tomorrow. Not quite walking, but OH SO CLOSE!!!! See the long line of drool from her mouth on down, and how the front of her outfit is completely soaked? This is a daily occurance. Apparently it's a very wet process to grow teeth.

Quentin and Georgia racing. Quentin always wins.


Anonymous said...

Hmm . . . soone should tell Georgia that she might go faster if she crawls with both legs. ;)

celeste'sblog said...

someone should really teach you how to spell someone. AND...she crawls just fine. the doctor even said so.

Anonymous said...

No no no . . . I definitely meant that "soone" should be the one to tell her, because soone is good at that sort of thing. And I didn't say she crawls incorrectly, just that she could go faster. And FURTHERMORE . . .

celeste'sblog said...

ppssshhh. whateves. she crawls just fine. you've seen her crawl once for like 3 seconds. she's pretty good. especially when it comes to racing Quentin. FURTHERMORE...........................

Anonymous said...

kids kids kids, do I have to make you go to your corners?? hmmmmm?

Cute bebehs, both.

Anonymous said...

eran, the Dope has gone back to free posting effective last weekend. You need to be there.

c, you're welcome too. This being your blog and all.

Anonymous said...

yeah, those kids are cute.

not as cute as mine, but so few are...