Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Like there's not enough on my plate already. Now this?

On top of not having my stupid countdown clock working (10 days 22 hours BTW) I chipped a tooth today biting down on a very yummy cracker. That can't be good right? So here's the thing. I already have a dentist appointment set up on the 15th of August to have a root canal (on that tooth I might add. Maybe it's a sign...). Do I leave it until then, or go in earlier and see if they can file it a bit? It doesn't really bother me, I just don't want to lose it completely. Now I'm nervous. WHAT SHOULD I DO?!?!?! 


fatty mcslowslow said...

What does your dentist advise?

It's always something...l

Joni said...

I just had to chuckle at this because I chipped off one of my front teeth like two weeks before I got married. (On a Tootsie Pop of all things.) Only I didn't have dental so I never did get it fixed, because I am ghetto like that, LOL. The only thing I can say is that time will never more so slowly in your life like this again! It's like being a kid waiting for Christmas!

Laura M said...

Slowly?! My wedding FLEW here and left just as fast.....

Cindy said...

Call the dentist and have him/her put in a temp filling to hold it all together.